I promise to buy the album...
...and I like Pavement but can we agree that it's not funny to relabel a bunch of their songs and pass them off as the much anticipated new Weezer album on Napster? Weezer is a pro-MP3 band (and I am dying for the new album).
From Karl's Corner (Weezer's right hand man) entry on 3.17.2001
...on a side note, many of you have been asking about the Napster thing, as in who caused the weezer songs to be de-listed. I did some asking around and discovered that Weezer happened to be one of the first bands named by the R.I.A.A. in their major request to Napster to block songs. The band was unaware of this happening until fans started to ask about it. We have no idea if the weezer tracks will be allowed back on Napster or not at this point.
So stop it. Alright?